Complex Chronic Conditions
Jan 1, 2018
I lead a portfolio of work that is focused on identifying opportunities to improve the management and outcomes of complex chronic conditions (e.g., epilepsy, cancer). These studies use a wide-range of data including electronic health record (EHR), Medicaid claims, Medicare claims, cancer registry, and linkages between these datasets.
Variation in Multimorbidity by Sociodemographics and Social Drivers of Health Among Patients Seen at Community-Based Health Centers
Purpose. Understanding variation in multimorbidity across sociodemographics and social drivers of health is critical to reducing health …
Suparna N Navale, Brenda M McGrath, Nicole Cook, Yui Nishiike, Gretchen Mertes, Rose Goueth, Matthew Jones, Anna R Templeton, Stephen Zyzanski, Siran M Koroukian, Kurt C Stange
Disparities in Adherence and Emergency Department Utilization Among People with Epilepsy: A Machine Learning Approach
Purpose: We used a machine learning approach to identify the combinations of factors that contribute to lower adherence and high …
Wyatt P. Bensken, PhD, Guadalupe Fernandez-Baca Vaca, Scott M Williams, Omar I Khan, Barbara C Jobst, Kurt C Stange, Martha Sajatovic, Siran M Koroukian
Racial and Ethnic Differences in Antiseizure Medications Among People With Epilepsy on Medicaid: A Case of Potential Inequities
Background and Objectives: Being on a newer, second-, and third-generation antiseizure medication (ASM) may represent an important …
Wyatt P. Bensken, PhD, Guadalupe Fernandez-Baca Vaca, Philip M Alberti, Omar I Khan, Timothy H. Ciesielski, Barbara C Jobst, Scott M Williams, Kurt C Stange, Martha Sajatovic, Siran M Koroukian
The Significance of the Increased Incidence of New Onset Seizures and Epilepsy After a COVID-19 Infection
With over 600 million infected worldwide and 95 million in the United States, as of September 2022, the lasting health consequences of …
Wyatt P. Bensken, PhD, Terrence J O’Brien
A Framework for Health Equity in People Living with Epilepsy
Epilepsy is a disease where disparities and inequities in risk and outcomes are complex and multifactorial. While most epilepsy …
Wyatt P. Bensken, PhD, Philip M Alberti, Omar I Khan, Scott M Williams, Kurt C Stange, Guadalupe Fernandez-Baca Vaca, Barbara C Jobst, Martha Sajatovic, Siran M Koroukian
Comparing the association between multiple chronic conditions, multimorbidity, frailty, and survival among older cancer patients
Introduction: The high prevalence of multiple chronic conditions (MCC), multimorbidity, and frailty may affect treatment and outcomes …
Wyatt P. Bensken, PhD, Nicholas K Schiltz, David F Warner, Dae H Kim, Melissa Y Wei, Ana R Quinones, Vanessa P Ho, Amy S Kelley, Cynthia Owusu, Erin E Kent, Siran M Koroukian
Trends in Antiseizure Medication Use: Implications for Practice and Clinical Care
One in 4 people who take prescription drugs in the United States have difficulties affording them.1 It is no surprise that the American …
Wyatt P. Bensken, PhD, Ivan Sanchez Fernandez
Burden of Chronic and Acute Conditions and Symptoms in People With Epilepsy
Objective: People with epilepsy, one-third of whom in the US are on Medicaid, experience a wide range of chronic and physical …
Wyatt P. Bensken, PhD, Guadalupe Fernandez-Baca Vaca, Barbara C Jobst, Kurt C Stange, Scott M Williams, Martha Sajatovic, Siran M Koroukian
Markers of Quality Care for Newly Diagnosed People With Epilepsy on Medicaid
Background: For newly diagnosed people with epilepsy (PWE), proper treatment is important to improve outcomes, yet limited data exist …
Wyatt P. Bensken, PhD, Suparna M Navale, Angeline S Andrew, Barbara C Jobst, Martha Sajatovic, Siran M Koroukian
Delays and disparities in diagnosis for adults with epilepsy: Findings from U.S. Medicaid data
Objective: To identify disparities in care pathways and time from first seizure to epilepsy diagnosis, we examined 2010–2014 Medicaid …
Wyatt P. Bensken, PhD, Suparna M Navale, Angeline S Andrew, Barbara C Jobst, Martha Sajatovic, Siran M Koroukian